Edanur at 7 mo.
Edanur at 7 mo.

Most of you guys know by now that I often post about my baby’s snacks and dinner ideas which many of you appreciated and it made me very happy to know that my baby’s food ideas are helping other moms out there to make their lives easier as well. Starting from the beginning God has been kind because I got the easy baby and I made conscious efforts to keep her stomach good which I think is one of the most popular reasons babies become fussier and terrible night sleepers.

  • I made sure never to give her regular formula brands which unfortunately a lot of them are stuffed with dextrose, corn syrup, inflammatory vegetable oils, and palm oil. I just kept her on goat milk for supplementing and I often buy my favorite Australian grass-fed goat milk from Amazon as well. It’s often out of stock but I will share the link nonetheless.
  • Apart from supplementing her with goat milk, I also give her cod liver oil. It is critical for a child’s neural development and healthy brain growth. I only give high-quality fats and little protein at this point of her life as that’s all she needs to survive for now. I did not introduce any kinds of grains and cereals as her brain growth doesn’t need those foods.
  • I give her organic coconut cream often as a substitute for sweetener whenever she eats avocado because she doesn’t enjoy the bland taste of avocado by itself. So, add coconut cream as a sweetener alternative if your baby won’t like bland foods.
  • It’s very important to introduce red meat purees to infants for the nutrients that vegetables won’t provide, so I started Edanur with the minced goat puree with carrots and broccoli which she really liked.
  • REMEMBER this! your baby’s crying and fussiness is for a reason and often the reason is hidden/attached to their GUT. No, the child does not cry for fun. They cry little because their immediate surviving needs are not being met OR something is bothering their STOMACH. Pay attention to the gut-brain axis if you want healthy and smart kids because it is linked or rather intertwined. Whatever you put in their stomach is affecting the brain as well. SO BE VERY CAREFUL.
  • Last but not least start giving them vitamin D as early as 3 months. I started Edanur with the good quality vitamin D with K2 (K2 makes sure that vitamin D takes the calcium to the bones where it is needed and does not deposit it anywhere) which had MCT oils rather.
  • AVOID like a plague you know the substance you all have known called sugar. One research from Johns Hopkins University recommended that Children under 2 should not be given any sugar at all. Yes, you got it; they meant juicy and high glycemic fruits as well. So for example I avoid giving Edanur bananas and oranges as much as I can and just incorporate apples and berries into her diet mostly.
  • I make sure NEVER to give her refined sugar, grains, and any artificial and so-called natural flavors (yup they’re not so natural either). This way I’m not ruining her gut microbiomes which would protect her for the rest of her life from the infections, so the child’s growing up years are very critical.
  • After 2 I would switch her from goat milk to coconut or almond milk. I would introduce only grass-fed cheese and yogurt but not cow milk. Dairy and gluten both are the culprits in causing inflammation so I am growing her up only on an anti-inflammatory diet. For example, today she had avocado pudding in which I added chia seeds and hemp seeds. Chia seeds have enough calcium and hemp seeds are considered superfoods because of the trace minerals in them.
  • Last but not the least, I just PASS all the frozen and processed foods aisles, and believe it or not I don’t even know what products are there. If you’d like to eat healthy pass those aisles as if they NEVER existed and I promise you’d never eat the things or bring home for your kids that you don’t even know existed.

Supplements I give to Edanur:

Cod liver oil. I took often in pregnancy


Baby cod liver oil


Vitamin D supplement with MCT oil
