Hello ladies, this one is one of my own recipes after a couple of experiments that I made for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone must love it and it made me so happy that I am finally arriving in the world of baking haha!

so without further delay let’s dive in…..


8 oz (1 full box of Mascarpone cheese Italian cheese) OR regular cream cheese

2 tbsp of Keto sweetner (stevia, coconut sugar, or erythritol)

1/2 Riped and soft pineapple

1/2 Dry coconut flakes (for topping)

Baking icing tips. Get one of those to make your life easier and make any designs you like. click here


total time: 15 min

So, I would keep my ripped pineapple pieces on the side. Make sure the pineapple is cut into small cubes that will dip into cream cheese properly. I highly recommend mascarpone cheese because it is sugar-free especially if you buy an Italian brand. It is cheap affordable and delicious and the texture is perfect for this type of dessert. Here is the link click here

Make sure the mascarpone cheese or cream cheese is at room temperature so it is easy to blend with all the ingredients later. Make sure you use the liquid version of any keto sweetner because you would feel granular in your mouth. Trust me I made that mistake before. If you know any way how to dissolve granular sweetner fully, go for it. If you got none of those available then you can use a little maple syrup. You can adjust the sweetner in a recipe according to your own taste as well, but I would highly recommend starting with my recommendation and then building up since our purpose is to stay in keto mode, jit matter how much sugar you take and what kind. Don’t forget that ripe pineapple has enough sugar as well to cater to your taste.

If you guys make your own version please comment below with the photo. I would love to see what you guys came up with.



More keto recipes can be found here. I still have a lot to update, so keep checking back for more 🙂 click here