Best Gluten-Free Banana Bread

So guys, those of you who follow keto or as I say keto-ish know the benefits of the high fat, moderate, protein, and minimal carbs diet benefit. So here is my mom’s keto banana bread which was so so delicious but just like any other recipe, I gave this recipe my own touch as well and it turned out super duper delicious. So, let’s dive straight into the recipe.

  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 1 cup of mixed crushed nuts (almonds, pecans, and walnuts go well)
  • 1 wax paper to put in the oven (non-toxic compare to the aluminum foil)

For the preparations, all you would need is one glass bowl, one measuring cup, and 1 tablespoon if needed. I use an oval-shaped bowl because that’s what I want my banana bread to shape like. First, your banana should be super ripes and you can tell that by looking at the dark spots on the banana. Mash it well with the fork in the mixing bowl. DO NOT use a blender or mixer to mash the banana because it would ruin the taste. I did it so you don’t have to do it. Once the banana is mixed well take 1 cup of blanched baking almond flour. Mix both of the ingredients well. Now mix 1 teaspoon of baking powder. Mix well all the ingredients. Last, if you are one of those sugar addicts and would like extra sugar then I would recommend 1 tbsp of maple syrup and that’s about it. I cooked without any extra sweetener and it was just perfect and that’s the reason we took super ripes and starchy bananas so we can avoid any extra sweetener. On the side, crush 1 small bowl of almonds, pecans, and walnuts with a sharp knife. Again do not use the blender or mixer because you want that crunchy taste in your banana bread. Mix all the nuts well into the bread mixture.

Ready to put in the oven:

Once the thick bread mixer is ready, get it on wax paper in an oval shape and make long lines on it with your fingers like one of those cookies and make a thick oval or square shape. Keep some crushed aside and stick them on top of the bread. Preheat the oven to 350 Fahrenheit. Leave the bread to cook in the oven for about 30 min or until you see it turning light golden brown. Cut it into pieces carefully as almond flour does not have gluten so it wouldn’t stick as great as wheat.

Note: If you like, serve cold as it will stick together better and enjoy the best bread ever that too without the glutens and guilts!!! 

Let me know your experience and your future!!